RTM Blueprints
The RTM Blueprints are educational white papers, available exclusively to past and present RTM Congress attendees and qualified industry leaders. These resources offer thought leadership around carefully curated topics that reflect the latest trends in your industry.
To learn more or get involved in the RTM Blueprints, please email spierce@rtmbusinessgroup.com.

The RTM Blueprints are educational white papers, available exclusively to past and present RTM Congress attendees and qualified industry leaders. These resources offer thought leadership around carefully curated topics that reflect the latest trends in your industry.
RTM Advisory Board members participating in the ongoing RTM Congress events have compiled their experience in this format to share their knowledge. Each Blueprint is followed by an interactive presentation and feedback is gathered during the RTM events which are then incorporated into the final version of the edited "blueprint" making it a collaborative process.
The RTM Blueprint will help you make strategic decisions by giving you key points to ponder before making significant changes or investments.
To learn more or get involved in the RTM Blueprints, please email spierce@rtmbusinessgroup.com.

The Marriage Between Academics and Technology
Raise the awareness of the natural silos that have historically existed between departments, specifically between academics and technology and the solutions for breaking down these silos to increase maximum learning opportunities for students.
*click image to download*